Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Football, the working class and a pursuit for truth and justice.

On a day of massive significance to Liverpool Football Club and Liverpool as a city, to the families of the 96 who unlawfully and tragically lost their lives on that fateful day back in 1989, I say thank you.

Thank you for your courage, your determination, your dignity, your tenacity. You inspire and show the world the most honourable and admirable traditions of our class, and for that we all owe you more than you will ever know.

Government, police, media. All complicit, all guilty, all defeated. All must now be held to account.

Their lies, their smears, their attemps to blame the Liverpool fans for that fateful day show clearer than ever and for all to see the reality of how the Establishment view our class. For set in the backdrop of an ever increasingly aggressive Tory Government, in the midst of all out class war against "the Enemy within" - Hillsborough becomes much more than a football fan tragedy. Today's verdict and the time it has taken the brave families to reach it is a timely reminder to all for the need to question and challenge power and authority wherever it may lie.

For those of us who love football, we must use the attitude, determination and bravery of the Hillsborough families as an inspiration moving forward in our fight to preserve and fundamentally alter one of the last remaining pillars of working class life; our beautiful game.

Our beautiful game which is being bent to unthinkable levels of corruption and laundering, a game which is increasingly pricing us all out, a game increasingly run by wealthy businessmen and a game which is delivering players earning weekly figures that those of us in the stands will never see in a lifetime. For those of us in Scotland, it gives us fresh urgency to the campaign against the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. An unworkable and dangerous insult to us as law abiding citizens of Scotland who are discriminated against on a weekly basis for having the audacity to be nothing more than passionate about our game and our respective clubs.

However, the class victory which has been achieved today cannot be overstated. Those families, that city and that club have taken on all the British Establishment have thrown at them, and won. Defeated with principle, passion, dignity and unbelievable tenacity and bravery.

The truth is now out, let justice be sought.

They shall never walk alone.